As you might imagine, location plays an important aspect in creating great photographs and movies alike. It is important to approach this task with an open mind, guiding yourself through all the attainable options.
For some, photographing in the privacy of their home can be the ultimate ode to the beauty of fragility. While others fit into the Sicilian landscape as if they have always been there, along with the sharp cliffs and tender lemon trees. Just like movies, good photography can allow you to become someone else or be the most honest and vulnerable version of yourself.

Taormina, Sicily
Regardless if you are ready to travel for unique photographs or stay in your hometown, we will create a killer set of images for you.

Vancouver, BC

Vancouver, BC
Know someone with a unique space? Don't hesitate to ask them for a favor.
The two photos bellow were taken at a famous antiques store in Gastown "Salmagundi West".

Salmagundi West in Vancouver,BC
I work with talented makeup artists to make your pictures pop. Various looks are available depending on your needs: from a natural clean make-up to elaborate body art.

Photo Studio in Vancouver, BC

The Palms Motel in Portland, OR